Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 20, 2011

its a toughie

my title is refering to two things:
1. my difficultly in deciding which pictures to post (I have over 600 just taken from my camera)
2. my brave little man.  Liam got his first round of shots this morning, and he was far tougher than me.  I almost cried.  I swear.  We got an awesome nurse though, she had me hold Liam's hand as she gave him his shots lightening quick.  His face turned beet red and he screamed -only as the shots were being injected.  The second it was over and I picked him up, he was completely serene.  I love this kid.
his favorite napping spot

you just can't get much cooler than this

just don't tell grandma that Daddy held you like this!

because Daddy needs a nap too


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