Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the bad, the good, and the cute

the bad:
I got home this evening from swimming with Liam for the first time (no pictures today though, I forgot to bring my camera home) to find ants swarming my kitchen.  This news combined with all the chlorine left on my skin made me feel so phantom itchy!  Oh yeah, and my car told me it was 104 degrees outside.  Ugh.  Then Jeff sprayed the entire kitchen with Raid and made that half of the house smell like poison.  Oh joy.

the good:
Jeff then proceeded to stop the trail of ants and clean the Raid and dead ants out of the kitchen while I hid out with Liam in the non-poison scented half of the house.  I tend to freak out when I see ants inside.  They overwhelm me and I want to hyperventilate or go hide.  Then Jeff poured me a nice glass of wine.  Yay!

the cute:

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