Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

time flies

I can't believe my little guy is 5 weeks old today!  He thinks he is soo cool because he can hold his head up for a little while, and because he's outgrown several of his newborn sized outfits.  I'm just glad he likes to cuddle (and hopefully will continue to like cuddling for a long time), and sometimes sleeps for long enough to let me do a bunch of chores.  Yay!  Not that chores are fun at all, but if I didn't do them, Jeff wouldn't either, and then CPS would come and take Liam away because trash would be pouring out our windows, and the house would stink.  Plus, we would have no clean clothes or dishes.  And that would be bad.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Do not watch Pushing Daisies unless you have ingredients to make pie.  Otherwise you will go pie crazy and insist to your husband that you need to go to the store immediately and get pie ingredients.  Then he will reject the idea and call you crazy.  And you will still be craving pie.

Friday, May 20, 2011

disastrous mistake

Making a double batch of scones when I'm only planning for Jeff and myself to eat them is a bad idea.  Unless I really want to gain about fifty pounds.  Last night I really wanted scones, but I couldn't decide which flavor I wanted.  So I made a double batch so I could have vanilla, chocolate chocolate chip, cinnamon, and blueberry.  Yum!  Let's just say that if we still have scones left tomorrow morning, I'm going to be VERY surprised.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

time flies

Yesterday Liam was one month old, and today's is Luna's birthday.  She's four.  I can't believe my two babies are getting so old!  So far my present for Luna this year is that I won't take a picture of her wearing a tiara like I did last year.  That will make her very happy.  Jeff always calls me a pushover, but I guarantee he'll come home from work today with a bag of kitty toys from Petsmart.  Luna is kinda hard to shop for though.  If she liked soft kitty treats (or any kitty treats at all) I would shape them into a cake shape and put a candle on it or something.  But the only thing she really likes is squeaky plush mice and she has about ten of them already.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

organizing the new bookcase

My dad built Liam and awesome bookcase for his room.  We were trying to decide which shelf should be Liam's because he fits on it so perfectly.  :)  But we ultimately decided he should just use his crib instead.  Hee hee.

this is pretty much an "at least once a day" thing


Liam and Luna tend to fight over my lap.  Luna is not hesitant about sleeping entirely on top of Liam.  This generally means I have to quickly take Liam off my lap and hold him.  Which means I have to hold him and I can't do much of anything because I have no free arms.  Good thing Liam and Luna are both cuddly and like to snuggle.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

cutest thing ever

My boys are in Liam's room reading Curious George.  Jeff is doing all the voices.  I couldn't get this huge smile off my face if I tried!  I love my boys.

picture explosion!!!

happy now Tova?
nap time!!!

my little munchkin

Liam's famous turtle face

yes, Luna came to cuddle.  She was not coerced

every time I put him in his front carrier he curls up into a ball and falls asleep

nosy kitty

he's almost outgrown this outfit now.  He's too long for it, but still too skinny to fill it out.  This is how he always tries to sleep.  On his side with his hands over his eyes,

my teeny boy!

like father like son...

Liam's first shoes!  They are actually a little big still, so they make his feet look huge!


Monday, May 9, 2011

our first family picture!

our little family of four

i hope its not genetic

My grandma is officially crazy.  Yesterday when I saw her for brunch she told me I looked exactly like J-Lo.  While, I know she meant it as a compliment, I think she is bonkers.  I am the palest Scandinavian ever, not Latina for starters.  But I do have to admit, the fact that she called her J-Lo instead of Jennifer Lopez is kinda funny.  :)

not J-Lo

Saturday, May 7, 2011

yeah, I'm a spaz

I have to admit it.  I lost my camera a week and a half ago and was going crazy because all I want to do is take pictures of my cute kid.  In five minutes Jeff found it today.  In my diaper bag.  But to be fair, it was in a pocket I've never used, so I didn't think to look there.  And I thought I had accidentally put it away in a drawer, so that's where I was looking.  But, yay!  Doesn't it drive you crazy when you loose something that you KNOW is in the house somewhere, but you've looked everywhere and still can't find it?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today I was bored because Liam was throwing a fit when I tried to set him down while sleeping.  I don't know how the kid can tell whether he's sleeping on my lap or on the couch, but he can.  Anyway, to pass some time I turned on Glee.  Yay!  I was watching the season one finale, and I don't remember what my reaction was the first time I watched it, but this time I was totally crying during any Quinn & baby scenes.  I don't know if it's because I have Liam now, or because I'm freakishly tired, or what, but those scenes had me massively tearing up (and feeling really happy that I had a c-section and didn't have to push!).  That just looked awful.  Although I like to think that I wouldn't have yelled at Jeff the way Quinn yelled at Puck.  I would hopefully be a little nicer.

Monday, May 2, 2011

spot the kitty

genius? I think so.

My kid is awesome.  He turned two weeks old today, and yesterday he figured out how to suck his thumb, and he held his head up himself for several seconds.  Love my little guy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

yeah, I know its still early

I know that Halloween is still a ways off, but since we have Liam now, we want to incorporate him into our costumes.  Jeff keeps coming up with ideas for the two of them that leave me out.  My favorites of his are Marty McFly and Doc Brown from Back to the Future and Short Round and Indiana Jones.  Those ideas are cute and all, but then I'm left out.  Sad!  So today I suggested while watching the movie that Jeff and I be Ariel and Eric, and Liam can be Sebastian.  Wouldn't he make a cute little crab?

my boys

Can't tell Jeff likes Liam at all can you?  :)

nap time!

my teeny little guy