Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the only way anyone could make me go for a long walk with a bad cold in the middle of the day in July

Today Liam saw his stroller sitting in our entryway and got really excited.  He grabbed onto it and started jumping up and down and making happy sounds.  Having a bad cold makes me want to sprawl on the couch all day drinking tea, but he was just so cute I couldn't say no to going for a walk.  Even around noon in July.  Ugh.  So I caved.  I said "Ok ok" and went to get us both hats.  Liam got really excited and ran to our shoe cabinet to grab his flip-flops.  He threw them into his stroller, then ran into the living room to grab his favorite stuffed animal, Mickey Mouse.  Then he ran over to his stroller and waited next to it until I was ready.  It was so cute!

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