Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 18, 2012

time flies

I can't believe my little guy is 11 months old today!  Time really does fly.  I love that almost every picture I have of his contains a huge grin, and that he giggles at the drop of a hat.  And, as I write this he is randomly giggling.  Love this kid!

Friday, March 16, 2012

yay for self preservation

Liam is finally realizing things like:

1) if you fling yourself off furniture, you will land awkwardly on the floor, and
2) if you want to rock out and head bang you should make sure you are not standing next to a wall

so when I watched him slowly descend from the bed to the floor feet first while looking down over his shoulder I was pretty excited.  Yay for the understanding of self preservation!

side note:  I think Liam is a genius.  He can do all the shapes in his shape sorter and he isn't even 11 months yet.  Not that I'm a biased proud parent or anything...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

there are no words

I stumbled across this picture today and was literally speechless.  When I regained the ability to think I immediately thought, "Wow.  This totally looks like a crazy person in Portland." 

note: I do not think all people who live in Portland are crazy.  But when Portland has a painted wall that states "keep Portland weird", I cannot be held responsible for saying that some crazy people DO in fact live there.

Not surprisingly, when I scrolled down the page a bit, I saw a caption that mentioned how this photo of a kilt wearing, unicycle riding Darth Vader who bagpipes was taken in Portland.  I have never been so not shocked in my whole life.

Monday, March 12, 2012

speedy gonzalez

I am a super nerd and store Liam's baby pictures chronologically so I can find them easily later.  I was looking through them the other day and noticed that I have at least 400 a month for the first 6 months or so, but lately I have more like 40 a month.  Huuuge difference, right?  By the way, this is after I've edited and deleted the sucky pictures.  Once Liam started walking he became a crazy speed demon.  It is seriously rare to see him crawl now, and he tries to run several times a day.  I had to delete most of the photos I take because no one wants to see a blurry picture.  Which sucks because I have to say, Liam is kind of super adorable.  I have a decent normal camera, but now I'm thinking I should invest in a more professional high speed one.  Hmm...  Anyway, my original point was: my kid is a speed demon.  And adorable.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

best night

making super late dinner at 11:30 pm (homemade channa masala.  I loooooove Indian food!), watching Warehouse 13 with Jeff cause we are supernerds, and playing with Liam because he played with his Nana today and got his sleep schedule all out of whack. 

Plus, I have ice cream and hot fudge in the freezer.    :)  Happy me.