Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 27, 2011

how to make a person feel guilty

watch them do sit-ups while you eat pizza.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

this should happen more often

Imagine this picture, only the guy is shirtless.  Oh, and the guy is also Jeff.  Good stuff.  :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Liam's new sneaky trick for not having to go to bed is to smile hugely at us when we try to set him in his crib.  He knows if he smiles at us we will cave because he is being so cute, and we will feel bad because we know if he goes to bed awake he will undoubtedly scream for a while.  Once we take him out of bed again he gets all fussy, but the second we try to put him back again there come the smiles.  Jeff and I are both such suckers for the smiles!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

that'll do it

One of the more interesting ways to wake yourself up in the morning is to pour water all down your front instead of actually drinking it.  Especially if the water is really cold and you are completely zoned out.  I found this out the hard way.  I'm thinking from now on I should probably just stick with drinking coffee while paying attention to what I'm doing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the bad, the good, and the cute

the bad:
I got home this evening from swimming with Liam for the first time (no pictures today though, I forgot to bring my camera home) to find ants swarming my kitchen.  This news combined with all the chlorine left on my skin made me feel so phantom itchy!  Oh yeah, and my car told me it was 104 degrees outside.  Ugh.  Then Jeff sprayed the entire kitchen with Raid and made that half of the house smell like poison.  Oh joy.

the good:
Jeff then proceeded to stop the trail of ants and clean the Raid and dead ants out of the kitchen while I hid out with Liam in the non-poison scented half of the house.  I tend to freak out when I see ants inside.  They overwhelm me and I want to hyperventilate or go hide.  Then Jeff poured me a nice glass of wine.  Yay!

the cute:

Monday, June 20, 2011

its a toughie

my title is refering to two things:
1. my difficultly in deciding which pictures to post (I have over 600 just taken from my camera)
2. my brave little man.  Liam got his first round of shots this morning, and he was far tougher than me.  I almost cried.  I swear.  We got an awesome nurse though, she had me hold Liam's hand as she gave him his shots lightening quick.  His face turned beet red and he screamed -only as the shots were being injected.  The second it was over and I picked him up, he was completely serene.  I love this kid.
his favorite napping spot

you just can't get much cooler than this

just don't tell grandma that Daddy held you like this!

because Daddy needs a nap too


Saturday, June 11, 2011


You know your taste in movies is totally random when you have Batman Begins, A Beautiful Mind, and Beavis & Butthead Do America all next to each other.

can't get enough of this boy!

how you know you are a complete nerd

I heard about this site today and I just HAD to check it out.  The lowdown is this:
you know how some people hang alphabet pictures in their children's rooms?  Well, now you can do the same thing, but instead of a normal language (say, English?) you can get alphabet pictures in Elvish from The Lord of the Rings.  Yeah, even I think it is massively dorky.  That's saying something.  Although I must admit, they are rather pretty.
Elvish Alphabet Prints

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jeff on getting pooped on by Liam

"What did I do to deserve the wrath of your butt?"

Monday, June 6, 2011


Literally every time I sing in the shower Luna has to barge into the bathroom and spend the remainder of my shower sitting on the toilet seat starring at me.  I can't tell if she hangs out while I'm singing because she really likes my voice, or if it is because she thinks I sound like a cat being strangled and she can't decide if she should rescue me.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

what happens when a person with zero patience gives out a nickname

Jeff's new nickname for Liam is Shrieky McScream Scream.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

to all pet lovers

I just received this in an email.  Anyone who loves their pets (like me) should find this to be awesome.  I just had to share this.

The following was found posted very low on a refrigerator door. Dear Dogs and Cats:  The dishes on the floor with the paw prints are yours and contain your food.  The other dishes are mine and contain my food.  Placing a paw print in the middle of my plate does not mean that is suddenly your food, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack.  Racing me to the top of the stairs is not the object.  Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed.  I am very sorry about this.  Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort.  Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep.  It Is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other, stretched out to the fullest extent possible.  I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out on the other end to maximize space that you are taking up, is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time, there is no secret exit from the bathroom! If, by some miracle, I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge in an attempt to open the door.  I must exit through the same door I entered.  Also, I have been using the bathroom for years - canine/feline attendance is not required.

The proper order for kissing is:  Kiss me first, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt.  I cannot stress this enough.

Finally, in fairness, dear pets, I have posted the following message on the front door:
(2)  If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
That's why they call it “fur”-niture.
(3) I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
(4)  To you, they are animals.  To me, they are adopted sons/daughters who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly. Remember, dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
(1) eat less,
(2) don't ask for money all the time,
(3) are easier to train,
(4) normally come when called,  
(5) never ask to drive the car,
(6) don't hang out with drug-using people;
(7) don't smoke or drink,  
(8) don't want to wear your clothes,
(9) don't have to buy the latest fashions,
(10) don't need a gazillion dollars for college and
(11) if they get pregnant, you can sell their children.....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

better than Bowie

Picture this performed by Jeff and Liam in our living room.  Awesome.

still here

Yes, I am still here.  I am finding that it is really hard to keep up with a blog AND a baby.  Generally I am either feeding or holding Liam, and when he's asleep I either fall asleep too, or I forget all the cool stuff I was planning on writing about.  Then when I do write anything, it is normally "look at how cute my kid is!".  I've also found it difficult to write on weekends when Jeff can watch Liam because any time he sees me type anything he thinks I'm writing a blog, and then he makes fun of me mercilessly.  Nice, huh?  Anyway, Liam's asleep, Jeff's at work, I've showered and the house is clean.  Of course I still don't remember the awesome things I was planning on writing about, but to make this post worthwhile, here's this...
heehee!  The monkey looks like an old man!  Monkeys rock.