Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

my little helper, kind of

 Liam is kind of obsessed with the watering can.  When it's empty he tries to bring in his car with him.  But he gets annoyed because he hasn't figured out a way to get himself and the can in AND close the door.  When the watering can is full he never waters the plants.  He'd rather jump up and down while holding it so that he gets drenched.  Then he wants to be held.  Of course.
 Like all toddlers, Liam loves water.  However, his favorite water toys are the plastic plant separators that come with a plant six-pack.  He won't let me throw them out.
 I never have to worry about the strawberries from our garden going bad because Liam (and sometimes Jeff) eat them right away.
The only time Liam likes to pretend to water the plants is when the watering can is empty.  Maybe it's because he can run all over the yard with it and not worry about it being too heavy.  Who knows.  My little backyard help is always entertaining.