Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, June 22, 2012

my husband is a nerd

actual bit of conversation form today, while Jeff was digging in Liam's diaper bag for a snack.  Jeff never seems to be able to find what he's looking for in the bag, while I can instantly find what I want in it pretty much every time.

Jeff: You should paint like outside of this bag to look like the TARDIS.

me: huh?  Why?

Jeff: Because this bag seems disproportionately bigger inside than it should.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

tv parents today suck

Been a bit bored lately, and I've been watching some tv.  I've realized that either tv parents are nothing like real parents, or parents today suck.  I'm so hoping to not be like tv parents.  Generally their downsides involve having their kids not feel comfortable talking to them about important issues, being morons, or being absentee.  No matter what though, tv kinda makes me feel like the Wonder Woman of parents, so woohoo!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Am I the last to know?

So I was finally convinced to read the first Fifty Shades of Grey book, not knowing by the way that the books are rather raunchy.  As I was reading it, I kept thinking that the book was pretty much Twilight with sex instead of vampires.  So am I really the last person on the planet to know that the Fifty Shades trilogy was originally an online Twilight fan-fic?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

can't hardly wait!

So I know I'm not the best at blogging regularly, but next week I won't be posting at all.  Jeff and I are going on a several month early 5 year anniversary trip to Las Vegas!  Yay!  I'm so excited.  I'm pretty sure I'm the only one I know over the age of 21 who has never been there.  I'm kind of nervous though, because we are leaving Liam with my parents, and we've never left him with anyone for more than 8 hours before.  Let's face it, I'm pretty going to have some sort of panic attack in the airport because I miss my baby.

Friday, June 8, 2012

aah, the easily amused

Liam is officially the most easily amused baby ever.  He has spent the last hour on the back window seat alternating between playing with the light switches (he can reach 4 from his perch) and jumping up and down starring into the backyard.  Oh, and stomping around trying to make his footsteps as loud as possible.  He is seriously having the best time ever.

I am personally a huge fan because he can't reach anything he shouldn't, and therefore can't get into trouble, and also he doesn't realize that he can get down onto the floor by himself (I know this because he regularly gets down off of taller furniture) but he doesn't want me to know he's stuck because that would apparently wreck his coolness factor. 

I leave him there for a while then so I can get some things done, and its ok because he climbed up there himself in the first place, and he giggles all the time playing on the window seat, so I know he's happy.  Win win. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

good to know

I can't wait until next week when Jeff and I go to Vegas for our early 5th anniversary trip.  Yay!  I decided to go onto TSA's website today to see if my razor and sunscreen would be allowed in my carry-on.  Liquids weren't really even mentioned.  What was mentioned were ridiculous items like pool cues, blasting caps, cattle prods, etc.  The list gets more idiotic as it continues.  I actually recommend it.  Its a fun read.

TSA Prohibited Items

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

not undeserved

This is what I saw when I got out of the shower today.  Liam had climbed on top of the dining room table...and gotten stuck.  He is a pro at climbing, but the dining table is just a bit taller than everything else he scales and climbs back down.  Just tall enough for him to get stuck.  Ha.  I've got to give him some credit though.  Liam put on a big display (as soon as he noticed me) of pretending he really wanted to be up there, and wasn't in fact very bored and annoyed at being stuck.  He really is my kid.  Wow.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I recommend...

Any female who is a mom or wants to be a mom should see What to Expect When You're Expecting.  I know its been in theaters for a while now, but I only saw it yesterday.  It is spot on on the whole pregnancy thing, from great experiences to awful.  Of course, my own experience was most similar to Elizabeth Bank's character (I'll give you a hint, hers was not the super awesome fun time pregnancy).  I laughed so hard in a few scenes that I actually snorted a few times.  I kid you not.  And that hasn't happened for a long time.  Nice husbands or boyfriends might see the movie with you (and possibly enjoy it), but mine is not one of them.  Oh well.