Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 10, 2011

why do I feel so guilty?

I caved.  Jeff was totally in the mood to watch Santa Claus the movie.  He always makes fun of me because I've never seen it.  So I agreed.  I have now officially watched a Christmas movie this season.  Before Thanksgiving.  So I'm feeling like a crazy person.  And now I really want to decorate my house all Christmas-y and break out the Christmas music.  And bake gingerbread.  Well, I will probably bake regardless... Off to the kitchen I go!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ahh, the joys of work

Working in retail near the holiday season is always "special".  The hours, the merchandise, and the customers all get weirder.  Last night I was stupid enough to agree to work from 9pm to 6am.  I seriously have not stayed up that long straight since college.  Even with Liam I can nap in the middle.  I dressed 16 mannequins in varying degrees of hoochy-mamma-ness.  In the last 31 hours I have slept for 3 of them.  Ouch.  Also, my store decided to go crazy decorating wise because last year the decorations were pitiful and this year they decided to make up for it by going off the deep end.  My store seriously set aside like a million hours of budget to decorate.  And what do our decorations look like you ask?  Yarn.  Lots and lots of hideous shades of neon yarn.  Apparently yarn bombing is super cool now so we have to wrap EVERYTHING in freaking yarn.  We seriously were given at least 50 balls of it for decorating purposes.  The other night I had a 5 hour shift in which I wrapped large numbers in yarn and made snowflakes and mountains of yarn on giant peg boards.  Seriously.  I would like to conclude this by showing off possibly the worst three items of children's apparel ever.

the colors are even brighter in person and the texture of the dress feels like a cross between a shower curtain and a raincoat

did someone say pinata?

I know it doesn't seem possible, but these are shorter and tighter in person.  They go up to size 14.  What parent would buy these for their daughter?
We do also have some super cute clothes that I might have to buy even though Liam's closet is already close to exploding.  But the ugly/ crazy ones are just more fun to show.  Please be nice to your retail cashiers this Black Friday.  One of them will unfortunately be me.