Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

i want

So I swear, I WILL post Disneyland pictures soon, and tell you about our awesome trip, but there has seriously been zero down time since we got back.  I've pretty much been working or babysitting every day.  If it were not for my best friend Coffee I don't know if I would be here today.  Anyway, I just found this and I have decided that Liam totally needs it for his bedroom because it is awesome.  Seriously, Jeff squealed a little when he saw it.
Isn't that the best poster ever?  I mean come on, the teddy bear has a little wooden sword and everything!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

quote of the day

Jeff:  Hon, there have only ever been three constants in the universe.  Water freezes, time is linear, and Liam is the cutest baby ever.  I bet we could take him to that planet like from Alien, you know, with the acid blood and the gross heads and stuff, and they would be all like, "Ahh, what a cute baby!"

Monday, September 26, 2011

the view from my lap this morning

Luna is still not a big fan of Liam's.  But she LOVES my lap.  She finally has decided she'd rather cuddle half on my lap/ half on Liam, than just lay on the floor glaring at us both.  Too bad I couldn't get a good picture earlier where she was laying on Liam's head...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm back

I know, I know.  It seems like I've been gone for forever.  Work (yes, I kinda have a job) has been crazy, and last week we took Liam to Southern California.  Expect to see about a million pictures from Disneyland on this blog soon.  With the combined cameras of myself and my parents we took over 500 photos last week!  Crazy!  Anyway, I am back and will have new posts soon.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the cuteness continues

I can't help it if my son is super cute.  I also can't help posting millions of pictures of him.
he was sitting against my lap when he fell asleep and slumped over.  He stayed there asleep for 2 hours!

I lucked out that Liam loves to cuddle

I don't know what's going on here, but his face cracks me up!

eating his blanket and kicking his bouncer, 2 things he could easily do all day

I love his feet here

Sunday, September 4, 2011

best birthday ever

It's my first birthday as a mom, which already puts it pretty darn high on my list of good birthdays.  Plus Jeff was in the process of making me coffee and blueberry pancakes when I woke up, and Luna voluntarily cuddled with me.  Twice.  Yay!  Cute pictures of Liam to come.