Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I agree with Tova

Yes, just recently Tova and I (and the husbands of course) had the best Friendaversary ever!  So all you people with friends out there, which I hope is everyone... grab a friend you've known for forever and plan an awesome friendaversary.

my brother

Isn't he just the cutest?  Granted, he needs a haircut like nobody's business, but still...  So, normally when I start posting about Finley, you can guess (correctly) that I'm puppy-sitting.  Finley is the best puppy in the world for the following reason: he always loves me.  Every time he sees me he gets SOOOO excited.  He runs in circles and jumps in the air, and is as cute as a REALLY scruffy tiny chubby puppy can be (which is extremely cute BTW).  The only downside of having him over is that he is like a happy toddler who wants to play with everyone, and Luna is the teenager who thinks Finley is the mot annoying and over-rated thing ever.  She REALLY doesn't like him (although in the five days he's been here so far, she's only hissed twice.  Woohoo.)  Although it is pretty entertaining to watch them when Finley jumps on our bed in the morning, and Luna is already on the bed.  She's pissed, and he's oblivious.

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday to the best husband ever!  Love you honey!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

so nervous

So I'm almost done canning blackberry jam for the first time ever.  I really hope it turns out okay.  I've never canned anything, and if this fails I don't think I want to try it again any time soon.  We shall soon see how it turns out...


Ok, so I've been making this blanket out of extra yarn (less than a skein of each color) for like the past year.  Well, start and stop really... I mean, it's so huge (king sized) that it took FOREVER to make.  But finally, this morning, I finished it!  Finally.  Yay!  I know it's kinda weird looking because none of the colors really go together, but its the only blanket we have that actually covers the entire bed.  Yay!
blanket is WAY larger than it appears!