Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 23, 2010


I have the best husband ever (BHE)!  He brought me home a book!  Isn't that just the sweetest thing ever?!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Christmas in July

So you all know lazy people out there who leave their christmas lights on the roof year round, but last night Jeff and I saw a house totally own it.  They had all their twinkly christmas lights on full blast!  Yes, In July.  (While I was sweating to death)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

25 things

Ok, so its my turn for 25 things...  (Thanks Tova) Where to start?

1. I love to read, but my guilty pleasure books are mostly "young adult".

2. Whenever I'm supremely upset I listen to "La Vie Boheme" from Rent, and by the end I'm always smiling, head banging, and singing along.

3. I understand a fair amount of French, but rarely speak it, even when asked, because I'm afraid I'll sound stupid.

4. I'm obsessed with Glee and planning on going as Brittany for Halloween (with Carra as Santana).  No joke!

5. I've never eaten meat (except when I was little and didn't know fish sticks were meat).

6. I've dyed my hair since I was 14, and don't really know my natural color.

7. I really couldn't tell you my favorite movie if I tried.  I own more than 500, and I love them all (mostly).

8. When I get bored, I play with makeup, otherwise I barely wear any (but I like to buy it too).

9. I have the most spoiled (no, well taken care of..) cat ever.  She has a kitty pool in her bedroom.

10. When I was 18 I went to England and saw part of the filming of Harry Potter 3, and I met Daniel Radcliffe and had a conversation with him about a rat stuffed animal (yeah...lame.  I know).

11. When When Tova and I were little, I thought she had the best dress-up ever!  It was all about the peach dress.

12. I love cooking and baking, but am best known for scones and granola bars.

13. Jeff has gotten me completely hooked on Frontierville on facebook.

14. If I was super rich my entire wardrobe would come from Anthropologie.

15. I am not a gym person, but I feel awesome after going to pilates.

16. Last summer Carra and I went to Oregon and Washington to visit Twilight sets.  Tova, I know you think I'm crazy, but it was super pretty.

17. My favorite two ringtone songs are "The Final Countdown" and "Let's Go to the Mall".

18. If I wasn't married to Jeff I would want to marry Marshall from How I Met Your Mother.

19. My ultimate favorite part about my job is dressing mannequins.

20. I've been to France 5 times.

21. Mupma bought me liquid silver glitter eyeliner just so she could borrow it.

22. Nine times out of ten when I play the piano I play All I Ask of You from Phantom because I play it best out of all my sheet music.

23. I looooove candles, and I have occasionally lit them even when its hot.

24. The only careers I ever seriously considered (between fourth grade and high school) were opera singer, stunt man, and any job involving special effects.

25. My favorite celebrity encounter was when I met Sutton Foster and she told me she liked my dress.

Monday, July 12, 2010

cancelled shows

Why the hell was Pushing Daisies canceled?  That show rocked and I just started getting into it.  Not fair!  Oh yes, and I'm back home.  :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

see you in a week!

If you're wondering why my blog is void of anything new in the new week, it's because I'll be in Mexico on a cruise.  I'm so excited!  Hopefully I'll have some good pictures to post when I return.  'Til then!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

cute thug hamsters (no, I'm not kidding)

So I really want to know why wannabe ghetto hamsters are being used to sell Kias.  My other thought was that I'd rather have the toaster.